Want to improve your investing results?

Our platform transforms you into a more skilled stock investor.
Students from many of the largest global companies trust us
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Results that work: We've used the same framework we teach you to increase our own returns by 90%+

Ready to Create or Improve Your Portfolio?

Our framework will tweak your approach and help you limit your losses.

  • You're seeking to transform your investing novice status into skilled competence
  • You're willing to commit to a long-term investment strategy that assures growth
  • You strive for enhanced commercial awareness to excel professionally
  • You're prepared to invest your savings smartly to see them multiply
  • You want to start a business one day and want to better understand public company performance
  • You're drawn to very high-risk, high-reward speculation over solid investment strategies
  • You're unable to dedicate 10 hours in total to complete this course
  • You underestimate the value of comprehensive course materials in shaping your understanding
  • You perceive the financial market as a gamble rather than a strategic play
  • You're not prepared to commit to our Focused Quality framework for the long haul
"To invest in 'Undervalued Quality' is a once in a cycle opportunity right now"
Tobias Carlisle, Professional Investor

Introducing Your Guide in the Investment Journey

Who’s Your Instructor?

Mr Kapil Shah, graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Manchester before working as an Investment Analyst at a London based investment fund Bourne Park Capital. He will show you how to tackle the financial markets with the right foundation in place.


Whether you’re aiming to take charge of your personal portfolio or carve a niche for yourself in the investment industry, Kapil’s video material will be your guiding compass.

Our approach works. Here’s our record.

At Apollo Academy, we don’t peddle in hypotheticals. We believe in practicing what’s taught and used our own Focused Quality investing framework to increase our portfolio returns by more than 90% since starting.

At Apollo Academy, you’re not just learning theory. You’ll discover a robust long term approach that’ll change the way you view personal investing altogether.

Curious to see how we've performed since we started? See our returns to date


Pay once. Access forever.

  • Introduction

    A welcome message

    Kapil explains how to get the most out of the course
  • lesson 1


    Understand why a certain stocks keep appreciating
  • lesson 2

    Focused investing

    How this framework helps geneate longer term returns
  • lesson 3

    Best accounting insights

    Learn how financial statements work & how they help in business and investing
  • lesson 4

    Identify the great stock

    What does an incredible stock look like? Learn the most important metric in investing
  • lesson 5

    What industries should you be looking in?

    Learn key financial ratios along side real world case studies
  • lesson 6

    Identifying human factors

    Understand what to look for in teams and when to sell
  • lesson 7

    The Art of Valuation

    Learn what a discounted cash flow is and how to use it to minimize risk
  • lesson 8

    Case studies

    How to analyze blue chip companies like McDonalds and Disney
  • lesson 9

    The best tools

    Online websites that contain the best information on businesses
  • lesson 10

    Continuous improvement & psychology

    How to identify your own mistakes and improve over time
Enroll now


What people say about Apollo Academy

  • Kapil summarises a vast amount of theory into bite size chunks that really resonated with me.
    Vikram Pappachan
    Vikram Pappachan, Bloomberg LP
  • Personal finance can be overwhelming. Apollo Academy helped me break down my goals and turn them into measurable actions.
    Anna Nickerson
    Anna Nickerson, Student at Babson College
  • Extremely authentic in what he teaches.
    Saleh Bilal
    Saleh Bilal, Managing Director at DGTL

Download our free guide to learn the 3 priceless stock investing techniques that will improve your investing skills overnight.
